今回はVol.28 外国人とのコミュニケーションを助ける!WH疑問詞の配置と使い方の完全ガイド
英語を学ぶ際、日本語とは異なる配置の重要性を理解することが非常に大切です。日本語では文法の構造が比較的自由で、単語の順番を多少変えても意味が伝わりますが、英語では語順が厳密であるため、文の構成や順番をきちんと理解し、使いこなすことが必要です。特に、WH疑問詞(What, Who, When, Where, Why, How など)は、正しい配置ができていないと、相手に正確な情報を尋ねることができません。丸暗記で使うのではなく、配置と文法のルールを理解して使うことが、英語の会話をスムーズに進めるカギとなります。
1. WH疑問詞の基本的な配置
WH疑問詞(What, Who, Which, When, Where, Why, Howなど)は、英語の疑問文で使用される非常に重要な語です。これらを正しく使うために、まずは基本的な配置を押さえておきましょう。
- WH疑問詞 + 助動詞(do/does/did) + 主語 + 動詞
疑問文でWH疑問詞を使う場合、文の最初に配置され、次に動詞と主語が続きます。動詞は通常、助動詞(do, does, did)と組み合わせて使われます。
- What + did + you + eat?
- (何を食べましたか?)
- Where + did + she + go?
- (彼女はどこに行きましたか?)
2. WH疑問詞の使い方と文法解説
1. Who(誰)
- Who is coming to the party tonight?
(今夜パーティーに誰が来るのですか?)- who(疑問詞=主語) + is(動詞) + coming(動詞) + to the party(目的地)
2. What(何)
- What did you eat for lunch?
(ランチに何を食べましたか?)- What(疑問詞) + did(助動詞) + you(主語) + eat(動詞)
3. Which(どれ、どの)
- Which book are you reading?
(あなたはどの本を読んでいますか?)- Which(疑問詞) + book(名詞) + are(動詞) + you(主語) + reading(動詞)
4. When(いつ)
- When does the train leave?
(電車はいつ出発しますか?)- When(疑問詞) + does(助動詞) + the train(主語) + leave(動詞)
5. Where(どこ)
- Where did you go last weekend?
(先週末はどこに行きましたか?)- Where(疑問詞) + did(助動詞) + you(主語) + go(動詞)
6. Why(なぜ)
- Why are you upset?
(なぜあなたは怒っているのですか?)- Why(疑問詞) + are(動詞) + you(主語) + upset(形容詞)
7. How(どのように、どうやって)
- How do you make this dish?
(この料理はどうやって作りますか?)- How(疑問詞) + do(助動詞) + you(主語) + make(動詞) + this dish(目的語)
3. WH疑問詞の間接疑問文
例 1:
- I don’t know where she went.
(彼女がどこに行ったのか分かりません。)- where(疑問詞) + she(主語) + went(動詞)
例 2:
- Can you tell me when the meeting starts?
(会議がいつ始まるか教えてくれますか?)- when(疑問詞) + the meeting(主語) + starts(動詞)
間接疑問文では、語順は通常の肯定文に従い、疑問詞 + 主語 + 動詞という順番になります。
4. WH疑問詞のまとめ
- WH疑問詞(What, Who, Where, When, Why, Howなど)は、質問の対象や情報を明確にするために使います。
- 疑問文では、WH疑問詞が文頭に配置され、その後に動詞と主語が続きます。
- Whoの場合、主語として使われるため、動詞と主語の順番が逆転しないことに注意が必要です。
- 間接疑問文では、語順が肯定文の形に従い、疑問詞 + 主語 + 動詞の順番になります。
1. WH疑问词的基本语序
WH疑问词(What, Who, Which, When, Where, Why, How等)是英语中非常重要的疑问词。为了正确使用这些疑问词,首先需要了解它们的基本语序。
- WH疑问词 + 助动词(do/does/did) + 主语 + 动词
- What + did + you + eat?
- (你吃了什么?)
- Where + did + she + go?
- (她去了哪里?)
2. WH疑问词的用法和语法解读
1. Who(谁)
- Who is coming to the party tonight?
(今晚谁来参加派对?)- who(疑问词=主语) + is(动词) + coming(动词) + to the party(目的地)
2. What(什么)
- What did you eat for lunch?
(你午餐吃了什么?)- What(疑问词) + did(助动词) + you(主语) + eat(动词)
3. Which(哪一个,哪一些)
- Which book are you reading?
(你在读哪本书?)- Which(疑问词) + book(名词) + are(动词) + you(主语) + reading(动词)
4. When(何时)
- When does the train leave?
(火车什么时候开?)- When(疑问词) + does(助动词) + the train(主语) + leave(动词)
5. Where(哪里)
- Where did you go last weekend?
(上周末你去了哪里?)- Where(疑问词) + did(助动词) + you(主语) + go(动词)
6. Why(为什么)
- Why are you upset?
(你为什么不高兴?)- Why(疑问词) + are(动词) + you(主语) + upset(形容词)
7. How(如何,怎么)
- How do you make this dish?
(你是怎么做这道菜的?)- How(疑问词) + do(助动词) + you(主语) + make(动词) + this dish(目的语)
3. WH疑问词的间接疑问句
例 1:
- I don’t know where she went.
(我不知道她去了哪里。)- where(疑问词) + she(主语) + went(动词)
例 2:
- Can you tell me when the meeting starts?
(你能告诉我会议什么时候开始吗?)- when(疑问词) + the meeting(主语) + starts(动词)
在间接疑问句中,疑问词 + 主语 + 动词的语序是正常的陈述句结构。
4. WH疑问词的总结
- WH疑问词(What, Who, Where, When, Why, How等)用来明确询问信息或内容。
- 在直接疑问句中,WH疑问词通常放在句首,后面跟着助动词、主语和动词。
- 在间接疑问句中,语序会改变,使用疑问词 + 主语 + 动词的顺序。
- Who作为主语使用时,语序不变,后面直接跟动词。
Helping You Communicate with Foreigners! A Complete Guide to WH Question Words: Placement and Usage
When learning English, understanding the importance of word order is crucial for effective communication. Unlike Japanese, where the word order is relatively flexible and the meaning can still be conveyed even with slight changes, English follows a much stricter structure. This is especially true for WH question words (What, Who, When, Where, Why, How, etc.). Using them incorrectly can lead to confusion and make it harder to ask the right questions. Rather than memorizing them, it’s important to understand their grammatical rules and placements. Mastering the correct use of these question words will allow you to ask questions confidently and communicate more smoothly in conversations with foreigners.
In this article, we’ll break down the WH question words‘ usage, grammar, and placement to help you confidently ask questions in English.
1. Basic Placement of WH Question Words
WH question words (What, Who, Which, When, Where, Why, How, etc.) are essential for asking questions in English. To use them correctly, it’s important to first understand their basic word order.
Basic Question Structure
- WH Question Word + Auxiliary Verb (do/does/did) + Subject + Main Verb
When using WH question words, the question word typically comes first, followed by the auxiliary verb and then the subject. The auxiliary verb (do, does, did) is often combined with the main verb.
- What + did + you + eat?
- (What did you eat?)
- Where + did + she + go?
- (Where did she go?)
2. Usage and Grammar of WH Question Words
Each WH question word serves a different purpose. Below, we’ll break down the use of the main question words and give examples of how they’re used.
1. Who (Who)
“Who” is used to ask about people.
- Who is coming to the party tonight?
(Who is coming to the party tonight?)- Who (question word = subject) + is (verb) + coming (verb) + to the party (destination)
In this case, “who” is used as the subject, and the verb follows directly.
2. What (What)
“What” is used to ask about things or events.
- What did you eat for lunch?
(What did you eat for lunch?)- What (question word) + did (auxiliary verb) + you (subject) + eat (verb)
“What” is used to inquire about objects, actions, or events.
3. Which (Which)
“Which” is used when asking about a specific item or selection from a limited set.
- Which book are you reading?
(Which book are you reading?)- Which (question word) + book (noun) + are (verb) + you (subject) + reading (verb)
“Which” is used to ask about something within a limited range of choices.
4. When (When)
“When” is used to ask about time.
- When does the train leave?
(When does the train leave?)- When (question word) + does (auxiliary verb) + the train (subject) + leave (verb)
“When” is used to ask about a specific time or when something is happening.
5. Where (Where)
“Where” is used to ask about places.
- Where did you go last weekend?
(Where did you go last weekend?)- Where (question word) + did (auxiliary verb) + you (subject) + go (verb)
“Where” is used to ask about locations or places.
6. Why (Why)
“Why” is used to ask about reasons or causes.
- Why are you upset?
(Why are you upset?)- Why (question word) + are (verb) + you (subject) + upset (adjective)
“Why” is used to ask about the reason behind something.
7. How (How)
“How” is used to ask about methods or ways of doing something, or to inquire about conditions or degree.
- How do you make this dish?
(How do you make this dish?)- How (question word) + do (auxiliary verb) + you (subject) + make (verb) + this dish (object)
“How” is used to ask about the method or manner in which something is done.
3. Indirect WH Questions
WH question words are not only used in direct questions but also in indirect questions. In indirect questions, the word order changes slightly.
Example 1:
- I don’t know where she went.
(I don’t know where she went.)- Where (question word) + she (subject) + went (verb)
Example 2:
- Can you tell me when the meeting starts?
(Can you tell me when the meeting starts?)- When (question word) + the meeting (subject) + starts (verb)
In indirect questions, the word order follows the normal declarative sentence structure: question word + subject + verb.
4. Summary of WH Question Words
- WH question words (What, Who, Where, When, Why, How, etc.) are used to clearly ask for specific information.
- In direct questions, WH question words come at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the auxiliary verb and then the subject.
- When Who is used as the subject, the word order does not change; the verb follows directly.
- In indirect questions, the word order follows the standard declarative sentence structure: question word + subject + verb.
Mastering the use of WH question words will help you ask questions more confidently in English. By understanding their grammatical rules and correct placement, you’ll be able to get the information you need quickly and effectively, making your communication with foreigners much smoother.